At GreyNoise, we collect and analyze untargeted, widespread, and opportunistic scan and attack activity that reaches every server directly connected to the Internet.
Enter an IP address and date to find out whether that address was used as a Tor relay.
The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers [...]
BGP Stream is a free resource for receiving alerts about hijacks, leaks, and outages in the Border Gateway Protocol.
BGP is the routing protocol used on the Internet. BGPmon analyses hundreds of mill[...]
PeeringDB is a freely available, user-maintained, database of networks, and the go-to location for interconnection data. The database facilitates the global interconnection of networks at Internet Exc[...]
Discover the reverse DNS entries for an IP address, a range of IP addresses or a domain name. IP based reverse DNS lookups will resolve the IP addresses in real time, while the domain name or hostname[...]