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239 tools found
Attack Surface Management Platform. The ultimate all-in-one offensive security framework. - Discover hidden assets and vulnerabilities in your environment - Integrate with the leading commercial and [...]
CloudScraper is a Tool to spider and scrape targets in search of cloud resources. Plug in a URL and it will spider and search the source of spidered pages for strings such as '', 'wind[...]
Free tool that lists open s3 buckets and helps you search for interesting files.
DNSViz is a tool for visualizing the status of a DNS zone. It was designed as a resource for understanding and troubleshooting deployment of the DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC). It provides a visual [...]
Analyzing DNSSEC problems for your domain.
To see all mentions of domain on the Reddit, replace <DOMAIN.NAME> in link to domain you are looking for.
Google Trends is well known trending search keywords monitoring tool.
WatchThatPage gives you several options for how you want to monitor the Internet. You can get all the new content collected in one email, or separated into several emails, i.e. to sort the information[...]
urlwatch is intended to help you watch changes in webpages and get notified (via e-mail, in your terminal or through various third party services) of any changes. The change notification will include [...]
Follow That Page is a change detection and notification service that sends you an email when your favourite web pages have changed. We monitor the web for you.