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22 tools found
Twitter Back From The Death looks in a user tweets history for domain names that are available for registration.
Twint is an advanced Twitter scraping tool written in Python that allows for scraping Tweets from Twitter profiles without using Twitter's API. Twint utilizes Twitter's search operators to [...]
Osintgram is an OSINT tool on Instagram to collect, analyze, and run reconnaissance. Osintgram offers an interactive shell to perform analysis on Instagram account of any users by its nickname.
Multithreaded pastebin scraper, scrapes to mysql database, then reads pastes for noteworthy information. Use to go through the entire process of collection, logging, and harvest automa[...]
You can upload images, bunch of images, navigate reports, get a quick or deep overview of images analysis. You can group images in cases, search for any kind of analysis data, search photo near a GPS [...]
Fetch information about any public Google document. It's working on Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets, Google Slides, Google Drawning, Google My Maps, Google Apps Script, Google Jamboard
This is a Python command-line utility and library for using websites that can perform port scans on your behalf.
The is a python utility for finding and analysing potential phishing domains used in phishing campaigns targeting your customers. This utility is written in python (2.7 and 3) and is based on [...]
Belati is tool for Collecting Public Data & Public Document from Website and other service for OSINT purpose. This tools is inspired by Foca and Datasploit for OSINT.
Attack Surface Management Platform. The ultimate all-in-one offensive security framework. - Discover hidden assets and vulnerabilities in your environment - Integrate with the leading commercial and [...]